Note: May 2024 This site will be undergoing construction
Splash Mango aka Juliana Loh.ca
A Human-Centric Design Boutique exploring New ways of telling Stories in an immersive world
Imagination | Curiosity | Inspiration | Play
Juliana designs imaginative projects that evoke a sense of place, sensation, memories/stories or playful inspiration. Juliana works in the “sandbox” of entertainment, story and product/training use cases.
“I believe in the limitless belief of Imagination and the power of empathy and design to harness ideas, help create better design decisions and improve how we live.”– Juliana Loh

Storytelling and creative consulting for narrative-based experiential projects.
- Creative Direction, Experiential & Installation Art
- Usability, Interactivity, human centric design
- In-world 3D immersive artist for social VR experiences
- Instructional Design/Facilitation/Artificial Intelligence
UNSPLASH: Free Photography courtesy of Juliana Loh
- Mar 2024: Sparkandsound.com dance and interactivity exhibition art
- Raindance Immersive – 2021-2023
- Top 100 Women in XR Global (Women of the Future 2023)
- AustXR Festival: Recipient of Best Passive Immersive Experience in VR Award 2023
- SXSW 2023 – Immersive-X Germany
- 2023 (Presenter) Fivars Festival, PXR Conference, Vancouver International Film Signals (VIFF Signals), ChicagoVR, EXNW Festival
hello (at) Splashmango dot com
This site will be newly updated in a week. Thank you for your patience.
Juliana came on to my team at a very critical time at VCAD. She designed and created new course content for our Mobiles Games Development Program. Developed and implemented the “Modern Business Trends Course”, including powerpoints, lectures, assignments and research material. Her instruction and mentorship of our students was rewarded with the entire class completing the course and successfully creating a mobile game that was deployment ready for both IOS and Google Play stores. With her skills and talent, she is my first point of contact for advice, information and help. Highly recommended.
Roger Mitchell
Head Instructor, Visual College of Art and Design
I have known Juliana professionally and as a friend for the past 5 years. She has been a very positive and motivating person to work and collaborate with, showing keen interest in my stories, and providing useful and relevant storytelling and social media strategies to my projects. Most recently, she had provided me with branding and marketing strategies for a new craft design endeavour, which is being launched in a month. Juliana has been attentive, hard-working and helpful in checking in regularly on my upcoming product launch, and her personality is one that shows care, thoughtfulness and intuition in the advice she gives. I have enjoyed the opportunities of brainstorming and discussing strategies with her. She is such an easy going individual who makes people comfortable and at ease. Juliana brings such a wealth of industry UI/ UX and storytelling experience to the table for any client or school that she works for. She really is genuine in her intent to help clients fulfil their goals. Any company will be gaining valuable skill and experience with her on their team!
Aimee Chung
Instructor, BCIT
Juliana brings a positive and motivated energy to her work, inspiring the creativity of those around her. She fearlessly brainstorms new ideas and concepts, pushing her team members to think “outside the box” for inspiration and solutions. There is no doubt Juliana has a knack for getting her team members to see old concepts in a new way, pushing innovation in even mundane concepts. Juliana’s strengths lie in her strong work ethic, her ability to easily integrate with her team members, her artistic skill and creativity, her drive to develop ideas to their fullest and her boundless imagination. I have no problem recommending Julianna for a creative/artistic related position on any team. I am certain she will excel at any project she is put to work on, and the project will be the better for her involvement.
James Mouat
Lead Game Designer, Pug Interactive